Buying wall art isn't always something that springs to everyones mind when shopping for Christmas gifts, but here are 3 reasons why it might be a good idea to gift an Art Print this Christmas! Check out my mini gift guide of art prints below👇🏼
1. Buying art for someone shows thoughtfulness, you have found the time to find them that extra special gift as well as something they will treasure for a long time coming. Plus, when you buy from a small business it's pretty likely you won’t be getting them something they already have!
2. Supporting local and Irish companies - buying directly from a small artist helps to support their business and helps the local economy thrive. Buying from local shops and online stores supports those who have managed to keep their doors open despite the challenges in recent times. Instead of Black Friday let's support Green Friday this year and make sure to buy something from an Irish business.
3. Gifting from smaller Irish companies, means you won't be buying something that is hugely mass produced which means it's better for the environment especially with recent news in climate change. Plus all my paper is FCS certified and my envelopes are made from recycled paper!
Here are some homegrown gift ideas from my collection of beautifully designed, lovingly crafted wall art and Christmas cards. Connect this holiday season by gifting your loved ones something extra special! And, don't forget to support local businesses and brands by shopping local and shopping Irish 🇮🇪